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Workshop on ISO New England Electricity Scenario
Analysis & Transmission Planning for the Integration of Renewables

The Independent System Operator and Regional Transmission Organization for New England, ISO-NE, and the NH Public Utilities Commission co-hosted a “Workshop on ISO New England Electricity Scenario Analysis & Transmission Planning for the Integration of Renewables” on Wednesday, August 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Rooms 302-304 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH . Over 100 people attended. The workshop addressed electricity issues and challenges facing the state and region, including how the current transmission planning process works and what may need to change to better integrate new renewable electric generation facilities, such as those proposed for northern New Hampshire. Links to the presentations are listed below:

This meeting followed up, in part, on initial presentations made on August 7, 2007, at 6:00 pm at Carter Hall in Groveton, New Hampshire at a meeting hosted by the Groveton Regional Economic Action Team. The purpose of that meeting was to “facilitate discussions among parties interested in the upgrade of electricity transmission in the northern part of the state” in accordance with Senate Bill 140, which Governor Lynch signed into law on July 17, 2007.

Michael Harrington, the PUC’s Regional Policy Adviser, and Thomas Frantz, Director of the PUC’s Electric Division, moderated an agenda that included presentations by representatives of the New England Independent System Operator (the manager of the regional electric transmission grid), Public Service Company of New Hampshire, National Grid, and developers of proposed renewable electric generating facilities.

The Legislature has determined that it is “in the public interest and to the benefit of New Hampshire to encourage the development of renewable energy” and that “existing infrastructure, particularly in the northern part of the state, will need to be upgraded or replaced or new transmission facilities will need to be built.” On August 7, the speakers described the physical parameters of the existing transmission system in northern New Hampshire, explained the current process for connecting new generating facilities to the electric transmission system, reviewed alternative interconnection approaches under consideration in other regions of the country, and outlined the steps required to change the existing process.




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