American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
PUC American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Resources
The Public Utilities Commission has received $783, 538 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, State Electricity Regulators Assistance Program.
The objectives of this ARRA funded program are to: 1) increase the capacity of state PUCs to manage a significant increase in dockets and other regulatory actions resulting from ARRA electricity-related topical areas; 2) facilitate timely consideration by PUCs of regulatory actions pertaining to ARRA electricity-related topical areas; and 3) create jobs.
I. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency programs
- Develop program guidelines and application form for residential solar hot water rebate program.
- Gather stakeholder input from public comment sessions regarding solar hot water and other programs to be developed, including commercial scale electrical and thermal renewable energy rebates.
- Develop budgets for new rebate programs.
- Develop guidelines and application forms for new rebate programs.
- Present recommendations to state Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board.
- Assist in review of technical aspects of grant proposals submitted in response to RGGI Request for Proposals. Review projected energy and emissions savings.
- Assist in development of training programs for installers and/or certification programs.
- Prepare relevant portions of annual RPS compliance report.
II. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board
- EESE Board meetings.
- Conduct research as requested.
- Analyze policy issues.
- Provide policy recommendations.
III. Appliance Efficiency Standards
- Review relevant state legislation.
- Determine scope of standards required by state law and identify which standards are pre-empted by federal law.
- Contact and work with Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership, DOE, state stakeholders to develop draft standards.
- Draft proposed administrative rules.
- Develop process for public comment.
I. Modernizing the electric grid
- Review relevant federal and state legislation.
- Conduct research regarding technologies and techniques available to implement smart grid, advanced metering infrastructure, demand response, cyber security and distributed generation.
- Meet with electric utilities to discuss current plans and status of smart metering/smart grid initiatives and pilot proposals.
- Attend seminars regarding existing and emerging technologies for modernizing the electric grid.
- Attend local and regional meetings.
- Through research and seminars, develop understanding of how utilities’ investments in electric grid technologies will impact regional and local electric rates.
II. Technical requirements
- Review specific plans and applications filed by electric utilities.
- Analyze impact of utilities’ proposals on electric rates and reliability.
- Conduct additional research as necessary.
- Analyze policy issues.
- Develop documents and presentation materials as needed.
- Present recommendations to the Director and Assistant Director of the Electric Division as well as the Commissioners of the Public Utilities Commission.
I. Regional Energy Markets
- Review proposed transmission projects, analyze issues regarding regional transmission constraints, and make recommendations for Commission action.
- Monitor regional and wholesale electricity market and provide analytical and technical support to the Commission.
- Analyses/recommendations regarding market conditions, rate structures and policies concerning the regulation of public utilities.
- Participate in Eastern Interconnection States Planning Collaborative.
II. ISO-NE/NEPOOL Committees
- Participate in the development of a price responsive demand program for the ISO-NE.
- Participate in ISO-NE’s Power Supply Planning Committee, Reliability Committee, Transmission Committee and Ma Markets Committee.
III. Forward Capacity Market
- Provide analytical and technical support for the Commission.
- Analyze policy issues
- Assess impacts on New Hampshire electric ratepayers; recommendations for Commission action.
- Collaborate with the other New England stakeholders to make market improvements.