DR 97-183 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 1997 Conservation and Load Management Programs Order Approving Stipulation O R D E R N O. 22,813 December 31, 1997 APPEARANCES: Catherine E. Shively, Esq.,for Public Service Company of New Hampshire; David W. Marshall, Esq., for the Conservation Law Foundation; Kenneth E. Traum for the Office of the Consumer Advocate; and, James J. Cunningham, Jr. and Thomas C. Frantz for the Staff of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. I. PROCEDURAL HISTORY On August 29, 1997, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) filed with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) its 1997 Conservation and Load Management (C&LM) Pre-Approval filing. PSNH seeks approval for a C&LM budget of $2,345,429, of which $1,445,402 represents Lost Fixed Cost Recoveries (LFCR). PSNH proposed to continue the following programs, which have previously been approved by the Commission; Energy Crafted Home, Energy Service, Residential Conservation, Energy Check, Education and Energy Conscious Construction. By an Order of Notice issued September 24, 1997, the Commission scheduled a prehearing conference for October 14, 1997, set deadlines for intervention requests and objections thereto, outlined a proposed procedural schedule, and required the Parties and Commission Staff (Staff) to summarize their positions with regard to the filing for the record. On October 20, 1997, the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) filed a petition to intervene, which the Commission granted on November 4, 1997. The Office of the Consumer Advocate (OCA) is a statutorily recognized intervenor. On October 29, 1997, PSNH filed a Motion for Protective Order to exempt from disclosure certain attachments to its data responses which contained customer specific information. On November 18, 1997, the Commission granted PSNH's Motion. Pursuant to the approved procedural schedule, PSNH, CLF, OCA and Staff engaged in formal discovery and technical sessions. Staff did not file testimony in this Docket. On November 21, 1997, PSNH, CLF, OCA and Staff participated in a settlement conference. Subsequent to the settlement conference, PSNH, OCA and Staff entered into a Stipulation. CLF was not a signatory to the Stipulation. The Stipulation was submitted to the Commission on November 26, 1997. A hearing was held on December 4, 1997, at which time testimony supporting the Stipulation was presented to the Commission. II. STIPULATION PSNH, OCA and Staff agreed that the 1997 Conservation and Load Management Program proposal, as set forth in PSNH's August 29, 1997 filing, should be modified as set forth in the Stipulation and as summarized below: 1. Subject to audit by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Audit Staff, PSNH is not subject to the underspending charge described in Docket No. DR 94-256, Order No. 21,623; the end of fixed rate period budget allocation of 42% residential and 58% non-residential is acceptable; use of the recalculated LFCR rate as set forth in the End-of-Settlement Agreement Report is acceptable; the end of fixed-rate period C&LM account balance is an under collection of approximately $4,000; and, any final over or under collected balance with interest applied will be added to or subtracted from the funds otherwise available for C&LM expenditures in 1998. 2. The 1997 C&LM budget is $1.6 million. The programs as proposed in the Company's August 29, 1997 Pre-Approval filing are accepted and, until the Commission reaches a generic decision regarding C&LM in a restructured electric utility industry, continuation of expenditure levels and existing programs as described in the 1997 C&LM Pre-Approval filing and amended by this Settlement Agreement is appropriate. 3. The Parties agree that during the post fixed-rate period in 1997, PSNH will continue to fund C&LM expenditures out of Base rates. The monthly commitment in the post fixed rate period in 1997 is $141,433 and savings from the issuance of tax exempt pollution control revenue bonds (PCRBs) and revenues from the sale of SO2 allowances will not be specifically allocated to C&LM. 4. LFCR will be reset to zero as of July 1, 1997, the date base rates take effect in the PSNH base rate case. Resetting LFCR to zero as of July 1, 1997 will significantly reduce PSNH's estimated 1997 C&LM expenditures, resulting in an estimated unspent balance as of December 31, 1997 of approximately $555,000. The actual unspent balance as of December 31, 1997 will be added to funds available for C&LM in 1998. 5. PSNH will file its 1998 C&LM Pre-Approval filing within 30 days after issuance of the Commission's rehearing order in Docket DR 96-150 regarding energy efficiency programs or, if the rehearing order is not issued by December 31, 1997, then PSNH would be required to make its filing by February 1, 1998. In the period from January 1, 1998 until Commission approval of PSNH's 1998 Pre-Approval filing, PSNH will continue implementation of existing programs, and will fund C&LM activities at a level of $141,433 per month on an interim basis. The amount expended during this period will be deducted from funds authorized or available in 1998. CLF did not sign the Settlement Agreement because it believed that the C&LM budget was too low. CLF recommends the Commission approve a budget of $2.3 million, an increase of $.7 million. III. COMMISSION ANALYSIS After careful review of the Stipulation, supporting testimony and exhibits provided at the December 4, 1997 hearing, we find that PSNH's proposed C&LM programs, as modified by the Stipulation, are reasonable and in the public good. Regarding the C&LM budget amount, we find that Staff's recommended 1997 C&LM budget of $1.6 million is a reasonable budget. The Commission believes that, since 1997 is the baseline year for establishing the cap on C&LM expenditures during the phase-out period, as specified in our February 28, 1997 Final Plan on Restructuring (Docket DR 96-150), it is important to ensure that 1997 spending levels are realistic and achievable. The Commission believes that, based on the most recent forecast for 1997 spending, as included in the Settlement Agreement (Exhibit 1), the $1.6 million is achievable and we will approve that amount. Regarding the lost fixed cost recoveries (LFCR), we note that the 1997 amount is considerably more (roughly $700 thousand more) than the amount that is anticipated for 1998. This is due to the reset of LFCR to zero as of July 1, 1997, the effective date for base rates in the Company's rate case proceeding in Docket DR 97-059. In order to be in accord with the Commission spending cap in its Final Plan in DR 96-150, it is clear that PSNH will increase expenditures on C&LM direct program spending to compensate for the reduced level of LFCR, such that the combined direct program spending amount and the LFCR amount do not exceed the $1.6 million spending cap for 1998. Regarding funding levels during the post fixed-rate period of June 1,1997 through December 31, 1997, and for the interim 1998 time period until PSNH files its 1998 C&LM proposal, the Company will fund C&LM programs out of base rates at a monthly amount of $141,433. Regarding the allocation of SO2 Allowances and savings on PCRBs, it is our understanding that the allocation, for purposes of C&LM funding, ends on May 31, 1997. Further, it our understanding that PCRB savings from refinancings are recognized in the cost of capital in the Company's rate case in Docket DR 97-059. Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED, that the proposed C&LM programs, as amended by the Stipulation, are hereby APPROVED. By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New Hampshire this thirty-first day of December, 1997. Douglas L. Patch Bruce B. Ellsworth Susan S. Geiger Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attested by: Thomas B. Getz Executive Director and Secretary