DE 98-054

                         BELL ATLANTIC/JERRY LAQUIERE

                    Order Nisi Approving Resale Agreement

                            O R D E R  N O.  22,909

                                April 28, 1998

   On April 17, 1998, New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company (Bell Atlantic) and Jerry LaQuiere (JLQ) jointly filed with
the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) a resale
Agreement (Agreement) negotiated pursuant to Section 252(e) of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Tact).  
  This Agreement establishes terms for the discount
purchase of Bell Atlantic telecommunications services for resale by
JLQ to retail customers.  Business and residence services are 
provided to JLQ at a mutually agreed upon percentage discount from the
Bell Atlantic tariff rates.  Service establishment charges and other
charges related to providing service are expressed in dollar amounts.
   Discounts in this filing range from 17.30% to 20.25%
from retail and are the same as the Statement of Generally Available
Terms (SGAT) filed by Bell Atlantic on July 11, 1997.
All other pricing is consistent with the current SGAT which includes
revisions filed with the Commission on December 22, 1997.  Per order
22,692 (August 25, 1997), the SGAT took effect on October 20, 1997
subject to continued review and approval by the Commission.  If the
Commission orders changes in SGAT pricing or discount levels within
six months of the effective date of the agreement a true-up will occur
for all services previously purchased through the agreement.  
  Bell Atlantic will provide training to JLQ regarding
all services requested as well as reasonable amounts of information to
assist marketing efforts.
  Staff recommends approval of this negotiated Agreement 
based on a review of the Agreement, the summary provided by Bell
Atlantic, and verbal clarification provided by Bell Atlantic.
  We accept Staff's recommendation, finding that the
Agreement meets the standards of 252(e)(2)(A) of the TAct for
approval.  The Agreement does not appear to be discriminatory to any
carrier not a party to the negotiations and is consistent with the
public interest, convenience, and necessity.  We will approve it on a
Nisi basis in order to provide any interested party an opportunity to
request a hearing pursuant to RSA 374:26.
  Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby
  ORDERED NISI, that the Agreement negotiated between
Bell Atlantic and JLQ is approved; and it is
  FURTHER ORDERED, that the Petitioner shall cause a copy
of this Order Nisi to be published once in a statewide newspaper of
general circulation, such publication to be no later than       May 5,
1998 and to be documented by affidavit filed with this office on or
before May 12, 1998; and it is
  FURTHER ORDERED, that all persons interested in
responding to this petition be notified that they may submit their
comments or file a written request for a hearing on this matter before
the Commission no later than May 19, 1998; and 
it is
  FURTHER ORDERED, that any party interested in
responding to such comments or request for hearing shall do so no
later than May 26, 1998; and it is
  FURTHER ORDERED, that this Order Nisi shall be
effective May 28, 1998, unless the Commission provides otherwise in a
supplemental order issued prior to the effective date.
  By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New
Hampshire this twenty-eighth day of April, 1998.

  Douglas L. Patch      Bruce B. Ellsworth     Susan S. Geiger
      Chairman             Commissioner          Commissioner

Attested by:

Claire D. DiCicco
Assistant Secretary