DR 95-250 RETAIL COMPETITION PILOT PROGRAM Order Extending Term of Pilot Program O R D E R N O. 22,945 May 20, 1998 This order addresses the numerous inquiries received in recent months by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) concerning the scheduled termination of the Retail Electric Competition Pilot Program (Pilot). The Pilot, which commenced during June and July, 1996, was originally scheduled to operate for a two-year period. Order No. 22,033 (Final Guidelines) at 18 (February 28, 1996). By Secretarial Letter issued on March 11, 1998, the Commission solicited public comments from the participating electric utilities and interested members of the public concerning whether to continue the Pilot beyond the two-year term. The Commission also held a hearing on May 12, 1998 to accept public comments on whether to continue the Pilot, and if so, under what terms and conditions. The written and oral public comments offered by various stakeholders nearly unanimously support a continuation of the Pilot. Several parties suggest that customer eligibility for participation in the Pilot should be expanded beyond the 3% load limitation established in the Final Guidelines. The electric utilities participating in the Pilot are split on the issue, and below, we briefly summarize their respective positions. Two utilities, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) and the Unitil Companies (Unitil), have offered to voluntarily extend the Pilot. Unitil has agreed to extend the Pilot under all existing terms and conditions. See Order No. 22,210 (July 1, 1996). PSNH proposed to extend the Pilot subject to several modifications to the existing Guidelines. These proposed modifications (with one exception) were agreed to by the City of Manchester and were presented to the Commission during the May 12th hearing. See, Exhibit PH-1. Two participating utilities, Granite State Electric Company (GSEC) and Connecticut Valley Electric Company (CVEC), oppose continuation of the Pilot. According to GSEC, "the Pilot should be terminated to avoid confusion and administrative difficulties on the eve of choice in New Hampshire." GSEC Letter (March 27, 1998). CVEC argues that the Pilot has served its objectives, and any attempt to extend the Pilot would "re-raise" the same complex and contentious issues that...are part and parcel of implementing retail competition." CVEC Letter (March 20, 1998). During the May 12th hearing, the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NHEC) advised the Commission that its members are still unable to participate in the Pilot due to the pendency of a proceeding at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) concerning NHEC's wholesale requirements agreement with PSNH. (Public Service Company of New Hampshire v. New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc., FERC Docket No. EL96-53-000). In addition, NHEC contends that its members have been required to subsidize the participation of PSNH's Pilot customers because FERC has failed to act upon an amendment to its wholesale requirements agreement with PSNH. At the outset, we recognize that some aspects of the Pilot are controlled by the joint recommendations which we conditionally approved in utility-specific orders. See, Order No. Order No. 22,029 (February 28, 1996) Order No. 22,037 (March 4, 1996); Order No. 22,081 (March 29, 1998); and Order No. 22,210 (July 1, 1998). However, the aforementioned orders did not relinquish the Commission's authority to exercise ongoing control over the Pilot consistent with the Legislature's broad delegation of authority under RSA 374:26-a. Rather, the primary function of the joint recommendations, from the Commission's perspective, was to consensually establish utility-specific stranded cost charges or other rate mechanisms which were designed to achieve a minimal level of savings for Pilot customers who select a competitive electricity supplier. See e.g., Order No. 22,029 at 10. From the utilities' standpoint, the joint recommendations approved by the Commission provided a mechanism for limiting the financial impact of the Pilot associated with stranded cost exposure. We do not intend to impose a financial burden After considering the written comments and public statements made during the May 12th hearing concerning this matter, and while recognizing the purpose of the joint recommendations, we are persuaded that it is in the public interest to extend the Pilot on a statewide basis albeit under the revised terms and conditions specified below. First, we will not compel any utility to continue to offer the "participation incentive credit" (PIC) or a reduced stranded cost charge which is designed to guarantee customers the 10% savings contemplated by the joint recommendations. We recognize that each utility agreed to a PIC (or reduced stranded cost charge) based on an assumption that the Pilot would be limited in duration to two-years. However, we strongly encourage each of the utilities to extend this aspect of the Pilot. In that regard, we commend Unitil for agreeing to continue the Pilot under all existing terms and conditions and urge the other utilities to adopt the same approach. Any utility that is unwilling to continue to offer Pilot customers a PIC (or in GSEC's case, a reduced stranded cost charge) must inform all of its Pilot customers through a direct mailing. Second, we will continue to allow customers who qualify as "new load" to participate in the Pilot under the more specific definition offered by Manchester. Specifically, new load for purposes of Pilot eligibility will be limited to large customers who locate at facilities that have not been provided with utility service for at least six months prior to the new account being established. Although we understand PSNH's concern about the administrative burdens associated with this aspect of the Pilot, we believe that any such burdens are far outweighed by the benefits of allowing new large customers to gain experience in the direct access market. Although the foregoing discussion does not specifically address the PSNH-Manchester proposal, our decision today is consistent with that proposal except for new load eligibility. Thus, with that limited exception, we approve the remainder of PSNH-Manchester proposal outlined in Exhibit PH-1. Specifically, we also adopt their suggestion to (a) limit eligibility to "existing accounts at existing locations," (b) require customers who terminate service with a competitive supplier to choose a new supplier within two full billing cycles, and (c) notify Pilot customers of the foregoing modifications in the program. Each of the foregoing modifications shall also apply to Unitil, CVEC, and NHEC. Finally, we share NHEC's frustration that FERC has not yet issued a decision concerning either the APRA dispute or the amendment to the wholesale Fuel and Purchase Power Adjustment Clause (FPPAC). The latter is necessary to neutralize the rate effects of the Pilot on NHEC. It is our understanding that PSNH and NHEC both agree that an adjustment to the wholesale FPPAC formula is necessary. If FERC does not issue its decision on that filing within the next several months, we will consider taking further action to urge such action. Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED, that CVEC, GSEC, Unitil and PSNH are directed to extend the Pilot, under the terms specified herein, until such time as the Commission orders otherwise; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that NHEC's members shall remain eligible for the Pilot in the event that FERC issues its decision relative to the APRA as discussed in the Final Guidelines. By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New Hampshire this twentieth day of May, 1998. Douglas L. Patch Bruce B. Ellsworth Susan S. Geiger Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attested by: Thomas B. Getz Executive Director and Secretary