DR 97-221 CONNECTICUT VALLEY ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. Petition for Extension of Temporary Billing Surcharge Order Nisi Providing Approval for Extension of Temporary Billing Surcharge O R D E R N O. 22,984 July 21, 1998 On June 5, 1998, the Petitioner, Connecticut Valley Electric Company, Inc. (CVEC), filed with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) a request to extend a Temporary Billing Surcharge (TBS) for the purpose of recovery of a number of costs that the Company has (with one exception) deferred on its books. This TBS originated in DR 96-170, the Company's base rate case, as a mechanism to collect its rate case expenses and the temporary rate recoupment resulting from that proceeding. To date, the TBS has been calculated as a surcharge of 2.2% of the total electric bill, excluding winter months. On October 15, 1997 the Company requested an extension of the TBS as a means of collecting its audited 1996 pilot program costs totaling $131,068. By secretarial letter dated December 1, 1997, the Commission granted the Company's request. Since those costs are nearly fully recovered at this time, the TBS as previously authorized will end in early July. At this time the Company is seeking to recover, through an extension of the TBS, a total of $533,427. This includes pilot costs of $16,861; legal costs relating to the Wheelabrator litigation of $107,705; incremental ice storm costs of $2,652; and restructuring costs of $406,209. CVEC also proposes that it be authorized to compute interest monthly at the prime rate on the uncollected TBS balance, beginning August 1, 1998. The Company also proposes to accrue carrying charges at the prime rate on all pilot and restructuring costs incurred and deferred subsequent to April 1, 1998 which are not being recovered at this time. Commission Staff has reviewed this request and recommended approval. Based on Staff's review, we will approve the continuation of the TBS for recovery of the pilot costs and for the Wheelabrator litigation expenses. We direct our Staff to audit such expenses as soon as practicable. We have approved recovery of audited pilot costs previously, and find that continued recovery is appropriate. Although we usually disfavor the use of a surcharge to recover litigation or other expenses that are traditionally reflected in base rates, we will allow the recovery of the Wheelabrator litigation expenses in the proposed manner because the Company's earnings appear insufficient to enable it to absorb these costs in base rates and because the expenses relate to a FERC action which the Commission fully supported. It should be noted that the Company's request includes an estimate of litigation costs from May 1, 1998 through July 31, 1998 of $50,000. We will support recovery of these costs, subject to audit and reconciliation through the Company's monthly report of the TBS. In addition, we will approve the Company's proposal for the accrual of interest on the TBS balance of deferred costs, as these costs are approved for recovery, and the methodology is identical to that used in CVEC's FAC, PPCA and C&LMPA adjustment clauses. However, we do not approve the accrual of interest on costs deferred but not yet approved for recovery. Given the fact that such costs remain subject to audit and verification, it does not appear appropriate to provide for carrying charges on such deferred accounts. We also do not approve the recovery through the TBS of the incremental ice storm costs. The Company did not defer these costs but instead wrote them off. In addition, the amount requested is minimal when considering that CVEC's base rates include an amount for storm costs on an on-going basis. Therefore, such costs should not be considered for additional recovery. We do not believe that recovery of the Company's restructuring costs is appropriate at this time. We believe that reasonable and necessary costs relating to DR 96-150 and other restructuring matters should be considered for recovery at the time that CVEC implements retail choice for its customers. Until that time, these costs should remain in a deferred account. Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED NISI, that Connecticut Valley Electric Company, Inc. is authorized to continue the Temporary Billing Surcharge, at a level of 2.2% of electric bills, in order to recover $124,566 in pilot program costs and litigation expenses associated with the Wheelabrator matter, as discussed herein; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Temporary Billing Surcharge continue until the above costs are collected in full, subject to final determination of the amounts upon completion of an audit by Commission Staff; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Company continue to provide a monthly report of its TBS collections for so long as the TBS remains in effect; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that pursuant to N.H. Admin. Rules, Puc 1604.03 or Puc 1605.03, the Petitioner shall cause a copy of this Order Nisi to be published once in a statewide newspaper of general circulation or of circulation in those portions of the state where operations are conducted, such publication to be no later than July 28, 1998 and to be documented by affidavit filed with this office on or before August 4, 1998; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that all persons interested in responding to this petition be notified that they may submit their comments or file a written request for a hearing on this matter before the Commission no later than August 11, 1998; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that any party interested in responding to such comments or request for hearing shall do so no later than August 18, 1998; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that this Order Nisi shall be effective August 21, 1998, unless the Commission provides otherwise in a supplemental order issued prior to the effective date; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Petitioner shall file a compliance tariff with the Commission on or before August 4, 1998, in accordance with N.H. Admin. Rules, Puc 1603.02(b). By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New Hampshire this twenty-first day of July, 1998. Douglas L. Patch Bruce B. Ellsworth Susan S. Geiger Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attested by: Thomas B. Getz Executive Director and Secretary