DR 98-104

                         ROLLING RIDGE WATER SYSTEM 

                 Order Suspending Proposed Tariff Revisions 
                     and Scheduling Prehearing Conference

O R D E R  N O.  23,004                

                                August 31, 1998

  On July 28, 1998, Rolling Ridge Water System
(Petitioner) filed a proposed permanent rate increase with
supporting financial schedules which, if approved, would result
in a 91.7% increase in annual rates or total annual revenue
increase of $7,693.00.  The proposed increase to be applied to
the petitioner's 30 customers is proposed to take effect on
October 1, 1998 in accordance with RSA 378:28.
  The filing raises issues concerning but not limited to,
plant additions, system supervision and maintenance, rate design
and rate case expenses.  Staff recommends that the filing be
suspended.  Based on Staff's recommendation and our review we
believe a full investigation is necessary to determine whether
the proposed increase in rates is in the public good.
  Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby
  ORDERED, that Rolling Ridge Water System's Tariff No. 1
Second Revised Page No. 10 is hereby suspended; and it is

  FURTHER ORDERED, that, pursuant to N.H. Admin. Rule Puc
203.05, a prehearing conference to address procedural matters
governing the course of this proceeding be held before the
Commission at its offices at 8 Old Suncook Road, Concord, New
Hampshire on September 28, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. at which each party
will provide a preliminary summary of its position with regard to
the Petition.  Absent objection five days before the hearing, the
Prehearing Conference will be recorded on tape rather than by a
stenographer; and it is
   FURTHER ORDERED, that, immediately following the
Prehearing Conference, Rolling Ridge Water System
representatives, staff and the Intervenors hold a First Technical
Session to review the Petition and allow the petitioner to
provide any updates or amendments to its filing; and it is
   FURTHER ORDERED, that pursuant to N.H. Admin. Rule Puc
203.01, that Rolling Ridge Water System notify all persons
desiring to be heard and that they should appear at the said
hearing where they may be heard on the question of whether the
proposed revenue increase is in the public good, by causing a
copy of this order to be published once in a newspaper having
general circulation in that portion of the state in which
operations are proposed, such publication to be no later than     
September 10, 1998; and it is
   FURTHER ORDERED, that Rolling Ridge Water System serve
a summary of its proposed rate change and a copy of this Order of
Notice in accordance with N.H. Admin. Rules Puc 1601.05(j), on
current and known prospective customers and the town Clerk of
Bartlett by first class U.S. Mail, postmarked no later than       
September 10, 1998; and it is
   FURTHER ORDERED, that, pursuant to N.H. Admin. Rules
Puc 203.02, any party seeking to intervene in the proceeding
shall submit to the Commission an original and eight copies of a
Petition to Intervene with copies sent to Rolling Ridge Water
System and the Office of Consumer Advocate on or before September
23, 1998.  Such Petition must state facts demonstrating how the
Petitioner's rights, duties, privileges, immunities or other
substantial interests may be affected by the proceeding, as
required by N.H. Admin. Rule Puc 203.02 (a) (2); and it is
   FURTHER ORDERED, that any party objecting to a Petition
to Intervene make said Objection on or before September 28, 1998.
   By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New
Hampshire this thirty-first day of August, 1998.
  Douglas L. Patch      Bruce B. Ellsworth     Susan S. Geiger
      Chairman             Commissioner          Commissioner

Attested by:

Thomas B. Getz
Executive Director and Secretary