DR 98-174 Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1999 Conservation and Load Management Pre-Approval Filing Order Approving C&LM Budgets and Programs O R D E R N O. 23,172 March 25, 1999 APPEARANCES: Gerald M. Eaton, Esq., and Catherine E. Shively, Esq., for Public Service Company of New Hampshire; Gary Milbury and Andrew M. Budnarik, for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Air Resources Division; Assistant Attorney General Wynn Arnold, Esq., for the Governor's Office of Energy and Community Services; David W. Marshall, Esq., for the Conservation Law Foundation; William Homeyer for the Office of the Consumer Advocate on behalf of residential ratepayers; and Michelle A. Caraway and James J. Cunningham, Jr. for the Staff of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. I. PROCEDURAL HISTORY On October 1, 1998, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) filed with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) its 1999 Conservation and Load Management (C&LM) Pre-Approval Filing in accordance with Commission Order No. 22,905 (April 28, 1998). PSNH sought approval for a C&LM budget of $3,206,196, of which $200,000 represented recovery of Lost Fixed Cost Revenues. PSNH proposed to continue the same programs that were approved by the Commission by Order No. 22,905 and expanded by Order No. 22,999 (August 17, 1998), along with the addition of a New Regional Initiatives Program. PSNH requested Commission approval of program modifications and funding sources. PSNH currently has $1,697,196 in base rates for C&LM funding; it sought additional funding of $739,000, representing the annualized increment in the budget authorized by Order No. 22,999. PSNH proposed to use the carry-over of unspent 1998 funding and applicable interest to fund the remainder of the budget. On November 13, 1998, we granted petitions to intervene filed by the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), the Governor's Office of Energy and Community Services (ECS), and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Air Resources Division (DES). The Office of the Consumer Advocate (OCA) is a statutorily recognized intervenor. We held hearings on December 21, 1998, January 12, 1999, and January 26, 1999. II. POSITIONS OF THE PARTIES A. Summary A number of parties presented evidence and argument about the specific proposal of the Company, and the future of C&LM for PSNH, particularly as we move towards greater competition in the electricity services markets. To the extent there were differences in the positions advanced before us, they centered on the following issues: (a) the overall level of spending for C&LM, including whether to annualize and continue the incremental budget approved by the Commission in Docket DR 98-005 on August 17, 1998, (b) the calculation of lost fixed cost recovery (LFCR) and its applicability to certain program efforts, (c) whether C&LM programs should be funded via a reconcilable surcharge, (d) the relative emphasis in C&LM effort between residential and commercial programs, (e) the value of certain program proposals and proposals by intervenors, and suggestions from the bench for consideration of additional proposals. B. PSNH PSNH's initial filing sought approval for a 1999 budget of $3,206,000, including $200,000 in LFCR. Its most recent filings show a budget of $3,404,999 reflecting a carryforward from 1998 of $653,000 ($273,000 lower than the estimate available as of the hearings). This budget reflects program spending of $2,642,220, of which $1,178,120 is for residential programs and $1,464,100 is for non-residential programs. In addition, the Company's budget reflects $682,779 in LFCR, and $80,000 in administration costs. The Company stated that if the $739,000 reflecting the annualized amount of the incremental spending authorization approved in Docket DR 98-005 were not approved, it would have to cut that amount from programs, including eliminating some programs altogether (Tr. I, p. 54). C. ECS The Governor's Office of Energy and Community Services (ECS) proposed a program budget of $3,012,500. The differences between this program budget and that of the Company include $200,000 in increased effort in the Residential Conservation Program, $151,380 additional funding for the TumbleWash program, and $18,900 for further effort in the non-residential New Initiatives programs. ECS, along with Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) supported the inclusion of the annualized increment in the PSNH C&LM budget, and generally supported a higher level of spending than proposed by the Company. In response to inquiries from the bench, the intervenors recommend that introduction of any Pay As You Save methods for obtaining increased copayment from participants not be ordered in this docket, but be referred to the Energy Efficiency Working Group, established in Docket DR 96-150, for consideration. D. OCA The Office of Consumer Advocate urged that the Commission weigh the value in C&LM programs against their impact on the already extraordinary high rates of residential customers, and recommended that we maintain existing rate levels, and only use residential funds available from current base rates, carry overs and interest (Tr. III, p. 187). OCA also urged that programs further the transformation of efficiency markets, and noted that the lighting catalog and TumbleWash programs are not as successful in achieving that goal as are other efforts (id.). However, in light of the Commission's recent approval of these two programs, OCA limited its position to the recommendation that the catalog and TumbleWash efforts be turned into pure education programs, without rebates (Tr. III, pp. 187-188). In response to a question from the Commission, OCA's representative stated that the Pay As You Save option for obtaining copayments from participants is definitely worth further examination, and has potential application to the whole array of energy efficient products, particularly if it is not limited to catalogs but is offered to customers at the point of sale in retail stores (Tr. III, p. 189). Finally, with respect to LFCR, OCA argued that instituting statewide administration of C&LM programs would provide an opportunity to revisit the basis for allowing LFCR (Tr. III, p. 190). E. Staff Staff testimony proposed an overall budget limited to $2,806,000, the sum of amounts currently in rates, carry overs, and interest. Staff recommended a class-specific C&LM surcharge for any incremental budgets approved by the Commission. Staff recommended that equity in spending between residential and non-residential sectors be restored, that LFCR be denied for measures to customers whose installations represent new load, that New Regional Initiatives not be funded, and that promotion of TumbleWash and the SmartLivingTM catalog clearly advise customers that ratepayers pay the rebates provided to participants (Exh. 29). In final comments, Staff urged the Commission in reviewing proposed budgets to consider which programs have failed the traditional total resource cost analysis of costs and benefits (Tr. III, p. 191). Staff also noted that recovery in rates of any incremental costs above the amount currently in rates should be specifically established by the Commission(id.). III. Commission Analysis Given that the Energy Efficiency Working Group has not yet made its recommendation to the Commission, we wish to remind the parties, as we did in Order No. 22,999 in DR 98-005, that this order should not be construed "as establishing precedent regarding any of the issues brought forth in this proceeding or to be addressed by the Working Group." Nevertheless, during this period of transition, we are guided in our consideration of these matters by a number of principles. First, programs should provide incremental benefits that outweigh their costs. Educational efforts and those directed to low-income customers may have benefits that are hard to quantify, and merit independent consideration. Second, the relative investment in efficiency among various customer groups should not deviate excessively from the relative electricity sales to the various customer sectors. Third, the Company should have a reasonable opportunity to recover its costs for programs prudently implemented. Fourth, C&LM programs should not duplicate services available and generally obtained in the open market, but rather should provide opportunities for efficiency gains that will not realistically be present in the market. This principle is particularly important as we move towards greater competition in energy services markets. In addition, given the pendency of the rate case and of the Commission's review of the Working Group's efforts, major changes in the level of effort for C&LM and the funding structure should not be instituted at this time. Finally, mindful of the high rates borne by PSNH customers, care should be taken to minimize the burdens on non-participating customers by the expenditures on cost-effective conservation and load management. Consistent with these principles, C&LM is an important tool in providing comprehensive services to New Hampshire consumers and fostering a more sustainable use of available resources. A. Lost Fixed Cost Recovery and Administrative Costs The Company revised its calculation of projected lost fixed cost revenues for 1999 during the course of the proceedings. The initial filing estimated that LFCR would amount to $200,000. At the hearings, the Company revised the estimate to $682,779 (Exh. 26). Staff urges the Commission to deny LFCR for programs serving new load, and OCA argues that LFCR would not be appropriate if in the future the C&LM programs were administered on a statewide basis. As we held in Order No. 23,047 (October 27, 1998) and Order No. 23,068 (November 23, 1998) addressing ENGI's and Northern's 1998/1999 DSM Program filings, respectively, LFCR is not appropriate for savings associated with new load. The Company has eliminated LFCR associated with the Energy Star Home program at Staff's suggestion. On the record before us, it is not possible to isolate all the new-load-related LFCR from the programs we approve today. The record likewise does not make clear what the LFCR estimates would be given the revised program budgets we approve today. We also note that the Energy Efficiency Working Group is considering the place of LFCR in energy efficiency cost recovery under a restructured industry, and that we have recently indicated our intention to review the basis for and calculation of LFCR and shareholder incentives. Order No. 23,047 (October 27, 1998) and Order No. 23,068 (November 23, 1998), supra, and Granite State Electric Company (GSEC), DR 98-177, Order No. 23,097, January 4, 1999. For all these reasons, we will defer the question of the amount of LFCR recovery to the base rate case. The question of the recovery of LFCR in a restructured industry will be determined after reviewing the work of the EEWG. At the present, we will allow the Company to recompute its estimate of LFCR based on the program determinations made in this Order, and to submit this estimate into the record of the base rate case. In addition, we will approve the balance of the "Other" category in the proposed budget, or $80,000, representing administration costs. B. Commercial and Industrial Programs There was little disagreement among the parties with respect to the proposed programs for commercial and industrial customers. The Company proposed the following programs and budgets: Company Non-Residential Program Budget Proposal EnergyCheck $530,000.00 Energy Savings Program(ESP) $860,000.00 Education $45,000.00 New Initiatives $29,100.00 Subtotal Non-residential $1,464,100.00 The Company proposes to relax slightly the incentive caps on the EnergyCHECK audit and incentive program, and to extend Energy Services Program audits and prescriptive rebates to smaller non-residential customers (Tr. I, p. 46-47). These minor adjustments are reasonable, and we approve them. We also find that given the strong benefit/cost ratios for these two programs (1.1 and 1.5 respectively, Exh. 8), and the support of the intervenors, the Company's proposals for these programs should be approved. The Company made no specific proposal for the New Initiatives programs, but noted a list of five possibilities that could be adopted (Exh. 5; Tr. II, p. 98). The Governor's Office of Energy and Community Services proposed to add roughly $18,000 to the New Initiatives programs, for a total of $48,000. The ECS proposed New Initiatives budget would comprise $5,000 for training related to the roll-out of the new state building codes, $25,000 to help fund a baseline study of current non-residential building design and construction efficiency practices (Exh. 26, Tr. II, p. 159-160), and $18,000 for WasteCap Recon (Tr. III, pp. 30-32). WasteCap Recon is a peer-to-peer technical assistance program sponsored by the Business and Industry Association that fosters waste reduction and resource conservation, including energy efficiency. We recently approved a similar contribution to this program on the part of GSEC, Order No. 23,097, and approve it as well for PSNH. As in the case of GSEC, electric customer C&LM funds must be used to procure electricity efficiency. We will allow the Company to determine the optimal mix of cash and in-kind contributions (Tr. III, pp. 101-102). With respect to building code issues, Commission staff testified that funding for Commission training of local builders and building inspectors is adequate to the task. We agree, and do not approve the incremental $5,000 for such purposes. However, we agree with ECS' witness that a baseline study of current practices could assist in determining whether the current commercial building codes are ripe for upgrading to promote more up-to-date efficiency practices. We will approve an increment of $25,000 for this study, bringing the total New Initiatives budget for non-residential programs to $43,000. Finally, we approve the Company's proposed continuation of its budget of $45,000 for energy efficiency educational efforts. Approved Non-Residential Program Budget EnergyCheck $530,000.00 Energy Savings Program(ESP) $860,000.00 Education $45,000.00 New Initiatives $43,000.00 Subtotal Non-residential $1,478,000.00 C. Residential Programs Turning to residential programs, the following table shows the differences between the Company's budget and that proposed by ECS: Residential Program Budget Proposals Program PSNH Proposal ESC Proposal Res. Conservation Program(RCP) $250,000.00 $450,000.00 Energy Star Home (ESH) $200,000.00 $200,000.00 SmartLivingTM Catalog $500,000.00 $500,000.00 TumbleWash $228,120.00 $379,500.00 Subtotal residential $1,178,120.00 $1,529,500.00 We find that it is reasonable to budget the amount recommended by the Company for residential programs, but some adjustments are necessary to the specific programs and associated budgets. We will approve the Energy Star Home program, but only up to a budget ceiling of $100,000, to accommodate commitments that may be in the pipeline since the beginning of this year. This program has a benefit/cost ratio below 1 (Tr. II, p. 71). The program is also limited in its scope to customers contemplating new home construction, a relatively narrow segment of customers, thus reducing its value as an educational tool. Given these factors, we will limit the budget for this program in 1999. In addition, we direct the Company to utilize these funds in such a manner as to enable at least 8 customers to participate in this program (PSNH C&LM filing, Exh. 1, p. 8). If the Company proposes to continue this program, it will have to present information supporting a conclusion that the benefit-cost ratio can be increased. ECS recommended that we increase the Company's TumbleWash budget from $228,120 to $379,500. TumbleWash is a program under which the Company provides $100 point-of-sale rebates to customers who purchase high-efficiency washers and dryers. We are concerned that the TumbleWash program has a very poor benefit/cost ratio, 0.2 (Tr. II, p. 71). Given the very high cost of the measures remaining after the rebate, the program is also susceptible to a relatively larger freight of so-called "free riders", customers who would have adopted the energy efficient product without the incentive provided under the program. We note also that the program has already been successful in its market transformation goal of encouraging retailers to stock the energy-efficient front-loaders, and educating customers of their availability. Maintaining the budget to the level proposed by the Company will enable the Company to fulfill its current commitments to this regional effort. With respect to the SmartLivingTM catalog, we are not persuaded that the catalog approach is the best way to deliver efficient lighting opportunities to residential customers. Also, contrary to the Company's assertions, we question whether the Catalog actually provides significant education to all customers who receive the catalog. In addition, we question whether subsidized prices in a utility-sponsored catalog is an effective way to develop a retail market for energy efficient products. As noted by the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative in its letter of January 27, 1999, commenting on the SmartLivingTM Catalog proposal, restriction of residential consumer opportunities for incentives to purchase lighting efficiency measures through a catalog is not consistent with market transformation. It would be preferable to provide consumers opportunities to obtain such efficient lighting products through vendors in retail stores as well, and thus encourage the development of that more widely-available market. See also the comments of LighTech, Inc., February 2, 1999. Despite these concerns, we will allow the Company to proceed with a limited distribution of the catalog as discussed below. We recently directed GSEC to perform a target marketing of its lighting catalog to a demographic cross-section of its customers. Order No. 23,097. We are concerned that providing lighting efficiency services through a catalog will prevent a wide variety of PSNH's customers from effective participation in the program, even if they receive a catalog in the mail as proposed by ECS. Accordingly, we will limit the budget for the SmartLivingTM lighting catalog to $300,000, and direct that in lieu of the recommended mailing of the catalog to all customers, the Company either to rely on bill inserts and other less costly means of reaching potential catalog purchasers to inform customers of the availability of the catalog, or to do a target mailing of the catalog to appropriate customers, or a combination of both. ECS showed persuasively that additional services to be offered under the RCP program, particularly the weatherization piggyback services, can be effective in providing efficiency services, including services to low-income customers who otherwise would be unable to participate to the same extent as other residential customers. We will therefore approve an increase in the RCP budget to $350,000. We will require two modifications to the proposed RCP program design. First, we will not approve the Company's proposal in this docket to pay the $1,300 thermal storage installation costs needed for low income customers to participate in Heat Smart, the Company's 40% discounted residential interruptible rate. As the ECS pointed out, there are uncertainties regarding whether the discounts will be available under restructuring (Tr. III, p. 46). In addition, the Company did not demonstrate the cost-effectiveness to the system of such installations, and the record shows that only two Heat Smart customers were interrupted in 1998 (Exh. 10). Both interruptions were during the summer peak (id.), thus calling into question the incremental value of electric space heat thermal storage under the plan. If the Company wishes to offer such units to its customers as a Pay-As-You-Save measure, discussed below, it may do so. We note, also, that a significant portion of the expense of the piggyback program reflects the proposal to provide free refrigerators to low-income consumers. While such refrigerators can save significant amounts of inefficiently-used electricity, the evidence showed that it may be possible to structure a copayment program such that even low-income customers could contribute to the cost of such major items without reducing participation or exacerbating split incentive problems in the case of tenants. Thus, if the Company would like to offer the refrigerator component of this program in 1999, it may do so in the event that it elects to use Pay-As-You-Save copayment for this aspect of the RCP. Under a Pay-As-You-Save approach, the customer receives the measure and in return agrees to pay a portion of the cost of the measure over time as a component of the bill. In response to questions from the Commission, the Company provided analysis to the effect that such an approach can be effective in a number of situations. It has been successfully used, in the "lease fee" version, by Burlington Electric Department (BED) and Texas Utilities Electric Company (Tr. III, pp. 8-11, and Exh. 21). For example, the BED "SmartLight" program offers compact fluorescent lightbulbs to customers for a monthly "lease" of 20 cents per bulb per month, for 60 months. The overall penetration rate under the BED program is an average of 2 bulbs for every residential customer. Exh. 21. Although limited to the lightbulb example, at 2 bulbs for each of 350,000 residential customers (Tr. II, p. 22), PSNH would have to place 700,000 CFLs under its SmartLivingTM catalog to achieve a comparable penetration of these electricity-savings measures. Pay-As-You-Save is designed to overcome the market barriers of insufficient up-front capital and lack of access to credit, to produce a high penetration of measures (Exh. 21). It appears to turn a transaction that relies on customers receiving subsidies into one that taps the customers' natural desire to achieve bill savings, and their willingness to pay for measures that will provide those savings. By so doing, it should support consumer commitment to the success of the measures in achieving savings (Exh. 21, p. 2). Even low-income customers can participate, as they do not need to cover high up-front payments for catalog items. Pay As You Save copayment approaches offer the possibility of expanding the ability of retail vendors to make sales to customers who cannot overcome the higher up front costs associated with energy efficiency measures, such as the TumbleWash machines, and compact fluorescent lights (Tr. 189). In addition, in a time of constrained budgets and rate impact concerns, this approach may have the potential to expand the level of energy efficiency improvements without putting additional pressure on non-participant bills. The Company urged the Commission not to require such an approach for 1999, citing the different focus of the SmartLivingTM catalog. The Company also noted the cost and time needed to amend its billing systems, and the priority of Y2K and restructuring demands on its information systems resources (Exh. 21). While the Company's preliminary estimate of time and cost to institute necessary billing changes is far in excess of the cost to at least one other major utility that has adopted such a copayment approach (id. at Att. 1, p. 3), it would not be desirable to require the Company to adopt PAYS at this time for any of its programs. We will, however, approve $200,000 in spending on PAYS-type residential C&LM programming in 1999, should the Company decide to proceed with such efforts. If the Company decides to initiate one or more PAYS programs, it should consult closely with Staff as it develops its PAYS initiatives. As noted above, a refrigerator component of the RCP could be included if it were offered as a PAYS product. The Company may also provide its Heat Smart measures as Pay-As-You-Save offerings. D. Summary The total budget approved in this Order is as follows: Program Name Budget Authorized RCP $350,000.00 ESH $100,000.00 SmartLivingTM $300,000.00 TumbleWash $228,000.00 PAYS Initiatives $200,000.00 RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL $1,178,000.00 EnergyCheck $530,000.00 ESP $860,000.00 Education $45,000.00 New Initiatives $43,000.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL $1,478,000.00 TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGETS $2,656,000.00 To this must be added the appropriate level of LFCR, and the amounts approved for program administration. We note, that as we determined in Order No. 22,999, C&LM costs should be recovered in a separate surcharge, and displayed in an unbundled fashion on customer bills. We will defer to the PSNH base rate case, DE 97-150, the specification of such a charge for PSNH. With respect to the recovery of any amounts not presently in rates, we will not institute a separate surcharge in this docket, but we will address the issue of the Company's recovery mechanism in the pending base rate case, DR 97-159. The rate case is on schedule to be completed this summer. There is little risk that program spending authorized here will outstrip funds presently in rates before the issue of the surcharge is settled in that case. Also, institution of a surcharge now that may be changed shortly would create unnecessary customer confusion. Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED, that the proposed PSNH C&LM programs, as amended by our deliberations described above, are hereby APPROVED. By order of the Public Utilities Commission of New Hampshire this twenty-fifth day of March, 1999. Douglas L. Patch Susan S. Geiger Nancy Brockway Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attested by: Claire D. DiCicco Assistant Secretary